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HIQ Components

HIQ Hardware selection table

component description order code status
HIQ controllers
Master controller 230 VAC, 11 IO, Enocean, 2 × RS232, RS485, IEX2 terminals MC-230-01 available
230 VAC, 11 IO, 2 × RS232, RS485, IEX2 terminals MC-230-02 available
230 VAC, 11 IO, 2 × RS232, isolated RS485, IEX2 terminals MC-230-04 request
24 VDC, 26 IO,2 × RS232 MC-24-05 available
230 VAC, 14 IO, RS485, 2 Wiegand MC-230-W available
230 VAC, 11 IO, 2 × RS232, RS485, IEX2 terminals, RFM free-programmable radio MC-230-02-RFM available
IEX Modules DIN rail
Light controller 10 high power relay-controlled outputs LC-10-IQ obsolete
LC-10-IQ mk2 available
8 high power relay-controlled outputs LC-8-IQ available
Light dimmer 4 channel universal lights dimmer controls up to 4 Eltaco LUD-12 dimmers LD-P4-IQ available
DALI dimmer 8 DALI groups dimmer LD-D8-IQ available
LED stripe dimmer 4 channel 12/24V constant voltage LED dimmer LD-V4-IQ available
Blinds contoller 5 blinds position controller BC-5-IQ available
I/O expansion module, Cybro family 12 dig inputs, 6 an/dig inputs, 6 dig inputs/outputs Bi-24 available
12 dig inputs, 12 relay 5A outputs Bio-24R available
12 dig inputs, 12 transistor outputs Bio-24T available
12 dig inputs, transistor outputs, 4 fast counter inputs, 6 PWM outputs Bio-24PWM available
10 digital inputs, 10 relay 8A outputs Bio-20R available
4x230V AC inputs, 8 relays 16A (lights) Bio-8R4 available
Resistive inputs (RTD), 12xPt100/1000, Ni100/1000 or potentiometer AiR-12 available
Voltage inputs, 12×0..10V AiV-12 available
Current inputs, 12×0..20mA AiC-12 available
Voltage outputs, 12×0..10V AoV-12 available
Card reader interface 2 channel wiegand (card, QR, ANPR) reader module, 2x output, 4x input CR-W2 available
Bus coupler Connection between RJ9 and cable CAD-BC available
Connection between RJ9 and cable, 10pcs bulk package CAD-BC-B available
COM - various software options Serial communication module RS232 - RS485 COM available
Serial communication module IEX - RS232 COM-232 available
Serial communication module IEX - RS485 COM-485 available
Bus extender Connection between RJ9 and cable, surge protection CAD-BE-PROT available
IEX Modules field
Scene controller Touch 4 scene controller SC-4T-IQ available
4scene controller, using any brand of push buttons SC-4S-IQ available
Temperature & Humidity sensors Temperature sensor TS available
Temperature & Humidity sensor TS-H available
Thermostat Touch room thermostat TH-1T-IQ available
Blind room thermostat TH-2-IQ available
Touch operator panel with LCD display 2×20 characters, temperature, humidity, light sensor OP-8 available
Wall mounting kit for OP-8 touch panel OP-8 - WALL KIT available
HVAC controller 3 speed fan, 2 valves, binary/analog input, temperature input FC-1-IQ available
Modulating valve, 2 relay controller, binary analog input FC-2-IQ available
Switch inputs module, flush mount 4 switch inputs, 4 switch inputs/LED outputs SW-W3-IW available
4 switch inputs, 4 switch inputs/LED outputs - 10pcs bulk package SW-W3-IW-B available
I/O expansions module, flush mount 2 mains sense inputs 2 relay outputs 16A O2-L-IW available
Wireless extension modules
Wireless DALI-to-DALI bridge DALI wireless bridge, multiple ballasts per bridge WD-1 available
Wireless Modbus-to-Modbus bridge Modbus wireless bridge, WM-1 available
Wireless Modbus relay Wireless modbus relay WR-1 available
Wireless modbus 5 relay, 1 digital input, 1 temperature input WR-5 available
RS485 modules
Touch HMI 4 inch touch HMI panel 86mm box black frame TGP-4A-01-IQ available
4 inch touch HMI panel 86mm box black frame, DIN dose 60mm TGP-4D-01-IQ available
4 inch touch HMI panel 86mm box white frame TGP-4A-02-IQ request
4 inch touch HMI panel 86mm box gold frame TGP-4A-03-IQ request
7 inch touch HMI panel 86mm box black frame TGP-7A-01-IQ request
10 inch touch HMI panel black frame, wall TGP-10W-01-IQ request
Power sensor 1-phase power sensor, DIN rail PM1-E-D available
1-phase power sensor, DIN rail, CT PM1-E-D-CT available
3-phase power sensor, DIN rail PM3-E-D available
3-phase power sensor, DIN rail, CT PM3-E-D-CT available
1-phase split core current transformer,50A CT1-E-50 available
3-phase split core current transformer,50A,100A, 250A, 400A CT3-E-XX available
Air Quality sensor Temperature and humidity on wall sensor RS485 RB-100-TH available
Temperature, humidity, CO2 on wall sensor RS485 RB-100-AQ available
Wiegand modules
QR or RFID readers QR code and 125kHz RFID reader, Wiegand 32b QR-FR-B available
Card reader, 125kHz RFID, Wiegand, embedded module CR-MR available
Card reader, Mifare, Wiegand, embedded module CR-MM request
IOT Linkers
IOT Linker Used for RDC Charger, HEMS Gateway and Custom Projects. 2 LAN, 1 USB, USB-C Power supply IOT-L2-2 available
IOT Linker Used for CybroWebScada, S-RMS and Custom Projects. 3 LAN, 2 USB, USB-C Power supply IOT-L3-3 available
IOT Linker Used for BTMS Gateway and some cases when IOT-L3-3 is not enought. 2 LAN, 1 USB, 12V Power supply IOT-L3-PRO available
Sensors & accessories - connect to I/O
Temperature sensor Plastic 2m wire ES-P-IQ available
Metal housing ip 67, 5m wire ES-B-IQ available
White housing, terminals ES-W-OW-WHITE available
Ivory housing, terminals ES-W-OW-IVORY available
Presence/Motion sensors On-wall & on-ceiling PIR sensor with no delay IR-580-IQ available
Recessed ceiling PIR sensor, relay output IR-C6-B available
Buttons 2 mini buttons CAD-2-BUT available
Push button wires Wires for connecting switches on SW-W3 / SC-4S-IQ, 20pcs CAD-SW-IW-B available
Push button illumination White illumination LEDs for SW-W3 / SC-4S-IQ, 20pcs CAD-SW-LED-W-B available
Lightness sensor Indoor lightness sensor, 0…10V output RHKF-U-IQ request
Universal dimmer module (Eltaco) Universal 230VAC light dimmer for LD-P4-IQ LUD12-IQ request
Wind indicator Wind speed indicator WSI-IO-1 request
Leackage sensor Liquid leackage detector with 1m sensor probe LLD-IO-1 request
Opening sensor Magnetic door / window opening sensor MOS-01 request
Opening sensor Magnetic door / window opening sensor MOS-02 request
Bus cable 2.5cm RJ9 to RJ9 bus cable CAD-P0-IQ available
1m RJ9 to RJ9 bus cable CAD-P1-IQ available
2m RJ9 to RJ9 bus cable CAD-P2-IQ available
3m RJ9 to RJ9 bus cable CAD-P3-IQ available
Power supply 24VDC / 1.5 A power supply PS-30-24 available
24VDC / 2.5 A power supply PS-60-24 available
12VDC / 2 A power supply PS-30-12 available
Electric strike Electromechanical strike lock EL-ST available

Energy management & Storage

Low voltage system building blocks


Description Voltage Ah Capacity [kWh] Code Mounting
LiFePO4 LV battery module 51.2 100 5.1 RB 512-100-R rack
LiFePO4 LV battery module 51.2 200 10.2 RB 512-200-R rack
LiFePO4 LV battery module 51.2 200 10.2 RB 512-200-W wall
LiFePO4 LV battery module 51.2 280 14.3 RB 512-280-W wall

Hybrid Inverters

Description Grid Battery Capacity Code Mounting
Low voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase LV 10 kVA LV-10-3P-01 wall
Low voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase LV 12 kVA LV-12-3P-01 wall
Low voltage hybrid inverter 1-phase LV 8 kVA LV-08-1P-01 wall
Low voltage hybrid inverter 1-phase LV 12 kVA LV-12-1P-01 wall
Low voltage hybrid inverter 1-phase LV 16 kVA LV-16-1P-01 wall


Description Grid Battery Code Mounting
DCLV PDU with xEMS 3-phase LV RAC-LV-x wall

High voltage system building blocks


Description Voltage[V] Capacity [kWh] Code Mounting
LiFePO4 HV Freestanding (modular battery) 153.6 7.68 BA-G3-01-F Freestanding (modular)
LiFePO4 HV Freestanding (modular battery) 204.8 10.24 BA-G4-01-F Freestanding (modular)
LiFePO4 HV Freestanding (modular battery) 256 12.80 BA-G5-01-F Freestanding (modular)
LiFePO4 HV Freestanding (modular battery) 409.6 20.48 BA-G8-01-F Freestanding (modular)


Description Voltage[V] Ah Capacity [kWh] Code Mounting
LiFePO4 HV battery rack 512 100 51.2 RBHV 512-100-RA standing IP20
LiFePO4 HV battery rack 512 100 51.2 RBHV 512-100-RA-O standing IP54
LiFePO4 HV battery rack 665 100 66.5 RBHV 665-100-RA standing IP20
LiFePO4 HV battery rack 665 100 66.5 RBHV 665-100-RA-O standing IP54
LiFePO4 HV battery rack 512 200 102.4 RBHV 512-200-RA standing IP20
LiFePO4 HV battery rack 512 200 102.4 RBHV 512-200-RA-O standing IP54

Hybrid Inverters

Description Grid Battery Capacity Code Mounting
High voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase HV 10 kVA HV-10-3P-01 wall
High voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase HV 15 kVA HV-15-3P-01 wall
High voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase HV 20 kVA HV-20-3P-01 wall
High voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase HV 30 kVA HV-30-3P-01 wall
High voltage hybrid inverter 3-phase HV 50 kVA HV-50-3P-01 wall


Description Grid Battery Code Mounting
ACHV PDU with xEMS 3-phase HV RAC-HV-x wall

eSTORE all in one solution

Description Voltage Power [kW] Capacity [kWh] Code Mounting
Energy storage with xEMS 512 50 102.4 eSTORE 512-200 standing IP20
Energy storage with xEMS 512 50 102.4 eSTORE 512-200-O standing IP54
Energy storage with xEMS 1330 1075 1118 eSTORE 1330-840 standing IP54
Energy storage with xEMS 1330 1075 2236 eSTORE 1330-1680 standing IP54


Description Grid Battery Code Mounting
ACHVHP PDU (eSTORE), HP batteries 3-phase HVHP RAC-HP-x wall
wiki/21_hiq_components/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/27 12:35 by alen.mejak