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Code Description Quantity Note
Basic Required for basic functionality
BM-GW BTMS IOT Gateway 1 × BM-GW for up to 32 strings All strings of one UPS should be on the same BM-GW
BM-SS BTMS String master 1 × BM-SS for each string
BM-HS BTMS Hall sensor 1 × BM-HS for each string Choose the type based on the maximum string current
BM-CS BTMS Cell sensor 1 × BM-CS for each battery Choose 2, 6 or 12 V sensors depending on the battery voltage
PS-60-24 BTMS Power supply 1 × PS-60-24 for each BTMS One power supply can power several devices, if there are fewer of them than allowed according to thespecification. Checks against the total consumption of powered devices.
PS-30-12 BM-GW Power supply 1 × PS-30-12 for each BM-GW
Optional Depending on requirements
BM-MC BTMS Master controller 1 × BM-MC for up to 32 strings
BM-C-A1 BTMS Controller set 1 × BM-C-A1 for up to 32 strings Consisting of BM-MC, CAD-232-A2-IQ and software
CAD-232-A2-IQ BTMS COM converter 1 × BM-CAD per BM-HMI They require BM-MC
COM-PGM BTMS COM module 1 × BM-COM for up to 16 BM-CS For more than 16 BM-CS (up to 32) use 2nd BM-COM
BM-LC BTMS IO expansion module 1 × BM-LC for up to 8 strings They require BM-MC
BM-TH BTMS Temperature and humidity sensor 1 × BM-TH for every string They require BM-MC
BM-GS BTMS Insulation monitoring sensor 1 × BM-GS for every string They require BM-MC and BM-COM
BM-HMI BTMS Human-Machine Interfaces 1 × BM-HMI for up to 32 strings They require BM-C-A1 (BM-MC + BM-CAD), 1 per BM-C-A1
BM-AG BTMS IOT Aggregator 1 × BM-AG per Data center Needed when there are multiple BM-GWs on the Data Center
TH-MC Temperature and humidity monitoring Master controller 1 × TH-MC for up to 120 temperature-humidity sensors
TM-C-A1 Temperature and humidity monitoring Controller set 1 × TH-MC for up to 120 temperature-humidity sensors Consisting of TH-MC, CAD-232-A2-IQ and software
Device Supports up to
BM-AG unlimited BM-GW
BM-GW 32 × BM-SS, 1 × BM-MC
BM-MC 32 × BM-TH, 4 × BM-LC, 1 × BM-HMI
BM-SS 120 × BM-CS
wiki/01_btms/00_hw/start.1741008410.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/03/03 13:26 by alen.mejak